Rivalry and competition games involve structured activities, interactivity and an artificial conflict defined by certain rules and goals.

Section - Rivalry and Competition Games

Rivalry and competition games can be defined as activities involving mental or physical stimulation, in which players are engaged in artificial conflict, confined by a procedure and rules, and oriented to achieve their objectives in some limiting context.

Competition is a sort of rivalry between individuals or groups for an specific objective or goal, and occurs naturally between organisms living in the same environment.

In human beings, competition is not just for water or food supplies, but also for prestige, wealth or fame, which are ultimately related to self improvement.

Rivalry and competition games requre at least two players who compete and eliminate each other to reach the game’s goal, working as a team to complete an objective, including diversified environmental elements and skill requirements.

These games come in two different forms: zero sum games, where taking away the losses of the losers from the winnings of the winners the result is zero; and non-zero sum games, where winners win more that the losers lose.

Competition and rivalry games, perhaps the most innovative and problematic, are a very important part of the game history and our society. The obvious purpose they serve is an entertainment, but, assuming that there is a certain reality against which the skills and experience of competitors can be measured, they imply also a comparison of mental or physical aptitudes that enable the players to learn both from victory and from defeat.

Games of competition play and important role in the development of organized societies, providing a controlled and benign environment to satisfy our animal drive for direct competition, reinforcing hierarchies and serving as a training ground for real life competition. They effectively contribute to the development of certain psychological structures directly related to the capacity of empathy and social and interpersonal sensivity, which are vital in the learning and appreciation of social rules and standards.

Competitive gaming has become a world-wide phenomenon that has contributed to the outstanding development and success of new companies and organizations dedicated to the production and commercialization of games, as a growing sector with tremendous economic importance globally.

In MCT - Meb Johnsons Jatto, we want to play an active role in such development by applying a combination of effective quality management and qualified and experienced personnel drawn from different specializations and technical fields.

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